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Digital Divas 2016

I can't wait till Friday comes...


The fifth edition is all about those who are ahead of the game in the digital world, those who have the courage to take chances in a medium that changes every day, those who are not afraid of novelty and the unknown. This year’s theme refers to the dreamers, the doers and the trendsetters in social media, those who dared to follow their instinct and managed to achieve greatness in the digital world."

Vineri, 20.05.2016, are loc cea de-a cincea ediţie Digital Divas. Evenimentul este organizat de Evensys şi Avon, şi se va desfăşura într-un decor de poveste - Palatul Bragadiru. 

Conferinţa Digital Divas se va desfăşura astfel: 

Session 1 (14:15-15:15) - OPPOSITES ATTRACT: OFFLINE + ONLINE
- Andreea Esca
- Ana Morodan - Influencer and online entrepreneur

- Adelina Borţan şi Raluca Cristea - Managing partner NAKED PR
*Moderator: Razvan Exarhu
Session 2 (16:15-17:15) FACES OF DIGITAL CONTENT
- Andreea Macri - Photographer
- Elisabeta Moraru - Industry Manager, Google
- Doina Costache - Partner Manager for Global Advertisers and Agencies
- Robert Ratiu - editor in chief, Beau Monde 
*Moderator: Oana Bulexa

Session 3 (18:00-19:00) 5 YEARS FROM NOW (TRENDS & FORECAST)
-Alexis Giantsis - Commercial Director, Mary Katrantzou
-Costin Cocioaba- Innovation Manager, ThinkDigital Group
- Mihnea Gheorghiu - Group Creative Director, Publicis Bucharest

*Modertor: Viki Nicolaa

See you there! 


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